Birchanger KidsOut
Club Mobile: 07496 816 411
Stortford KidsOut Birchanger is located at Birchanger C of E Primary School and opened 6 September 2016 following a successful registration with Ofsted. We are currently registered to take children on the following three Registers: Early Years Register, Childcare Register and the Voluntary Register
The Breakfast & After School Club is available exclusively for the children of the school and Birchanger Nursery. Children need to be 4 years old to join the club.
The club operates from within the main school, using the school hall, we have access to the outdoors.
If you have any questions please email Linda Davies.
Holiday Clubs will continue to operate from Summercroft School and are open to children from schools in the Bishop's Stortford area and surrounding villages.
Parents are encouraged to visit the Government website Childcare Choices and register for Tax Free Childcare which is available to all parents with children aged 0 - 12 years old.
Register for Tax Free Childcare
Unique Reference Number
EY537294 (Ofsted)

Breakfast Club
7.30am - 9am
After School Club
3pm - 6.30pm
Club Mobile: 07496 816 411 Ofsted URN: EY537294