Stortford KidsOut at Summercroft Primary School has been running since 2003. In the grounds of Summercroft School, it operates from a dedicated building in the school grounds, known as 'The Green Suite'.
We are expecting an additional building September 2024 that will allow us to increase bookings each year. Summercroft SKO has been over subscribed for many years and this will be a very welcome addition to our existing space.
The Breakfast & After School Club is run exclusively for the children of the school.
The Holiday Club operates from Summercroft School and is open to all children in the local area.
The building is modular, there are two large rooms for our use and a 'snug room' where children can relax and enjoy the comfort of soft furnishings after a busy day at school.

Breakfast Club
7.30am - 9am
After School Club
3pm - 6.30pm
Holiday Club
8am - 6pm
Direct Club Mobile: 07939 463 519 Ofsted URN: EY272103