Holiday Club
Holiday Club at Stortford KidsOut is a fun place to be. From planting seeds that eventually grow into super sweet vegetables or fruits to making rockets that really fire and fly, we are certain your child will find their niche and thoroughly enjoy time spent in the company of other children in fun filled days during the school holidays.
The Children & The Staff
All children under 5 are cared for by qualified Early Years Practitioners, some have dual qualification in Playwork too. All children under 8 years are supported by Qualified Playwork Practitioners, as are children over the age of 8 years old. There are 6 core staff in two teams, some are Early Years trained, some Playworkers, others hold associated qualifications as Teachers Assistants or Sports & Leisure Qualifications.
The Sessions
Breakfast is available between 8am and 9am for those children starting at 8am. We offer a 6 hour day 9-3pm; an 8 hour day, 8-4pm or a full 10 hour day, 8-6pm. Sometimes if there is insufficient booking for a full day on a Friday, we will need to reduce the session to 8-4pm. This decision is taken 2 weeks before the club begins as we need to notify the school for rent charge purposes.
The Activities
We believe that play should be personally directed by the child. We provide a range of resources including equipment, art & craft, indoor, outdoor. As far as possible we encourage the children to determine their own ideas and interests; the role of staff is to suppoprt and facilitate each child to play uniquely. Staff will at times advocate certain group activities for the benefit of all the children but it does not take precedence over individual children's play choices. Whilst we will make every effort to follow the published programme, parents should be aware that it may be necessary to change the programme and we reserve the right to do so without notice. We are a small setting and are not in a position to duplicate any part of the programme in the event that an activity/event leader is unable to attend.
The Cost
Take advantage of reduced rates for most of our Holiday Clubs until a week before the club commences. Advance online bookings attracts a discount. Fees start from £24.57 to £34.02 per day. We accept all child care vouchers, tax free childcare payments in addition to payments via online banking, BACS or cash. We no longer accept cheques.